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Bora-Care Wood Treatment
Bora-Care Wood Treatment provides prevention and control of Termites, Carpenter Ants, Powderpost Beetles and Decay Fungi. Boracare can be used on all cellulosic materials including wood, plywood, particle board, paper, oriented strand board (OSB), cardboard, and wood composite structural components.
Compare to: Timbor
Since Boracare is applied directly to the wood, it can be used in areas where environmental contamination is of concern. The active
ingredient in Boracare is an inorganic salt and once in place will not decompose or volatilize out of the wood. Treatment is long lasting as long as the treated material is not exposed to rain, continuous water or ground contact.
Authorized by the USDA for use on Non-Food Contact Surfaces in Edible Product Areas of Official Establishments Operating under the Meat, Poultry, Shell Egg Grading and Egg Products Inspection Programs.
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Features:
* Mixes 1:1 for direct wood application
* Penetrates wood up to 2" in depth
* 1 gallon treats 800 square feet of wood
* Contains glycol for superior wood penetration
* Lasts for the life of the wood, will not degrade under normal conditions
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Uses / Applications:
For both interior and exterior use. For use in and around Homes, Apartments, Garages, Museums, Public and Private Institutions, Schools, Hotels, Hospitals, Kennels, Stables, Farm Buildings, Trucks, Trailers, Warehouses, Supermarkets, Restaurants, and Food Processing Plants.
Bora-Care Wood Treatment simply mixes in water and is liberally applied to wood with a sprayer, brush or roller to the point of runoff.
1 gallon of Bora-Care will mix 1:1 with an equal amount of water and treat up to 800 Sq. Ft. of wood. Bora-Care Wood Treatment prevents and controls Termites, Carpenter Ants, Wood Destroying Beetles, Decay Fungi.
Bora-Care contains an inorganic borate salt, soluble in water, with insecticidal and fungicidal properties effective against wood destroying organisms, including the target pests listed below. This product may be used as a remedial treatment of infested wood and as a long-term protective or preventive treatment (before signs of infestations are observed) of wood in existing or new construction. Bora-Care solution is recommended for protection of all interior and exterior wood (including woodfoam composite structural components). Treatment is long lasting provided the treated material is not exposed to rain, continuous water or in direct contact with the ground. The active ingredient in Bora-Care is an inorganic salt and once in place will not decompose or volatilize out of the wood.
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Target Pests:
Subterranean Termites: Reticulitermes, Heterotermes, Formosan Termites: Coptotermes, Drywood Termites: Kalotermes, Incisitermes, Dampwood Termites: Zootermopsis, Neotermes, Powderpost Beetles: Lyctidae, Bostrichidae, Anobiid Beetles: Anobiidae, Old House
Borers, Longhorn Beetles: Cerambycidae, Hylotrupes, Ambrosia Beetles: Platypodidae, Scolytidae Carpenter Ants: Camponotus, Brown Rot (including dry rot), White Rot, Wood Decay
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Active Ingredients:
Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate....................40%
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Not For Sale In: New York

Bora-Care Wood Treatment Active Ingredients:
Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate....................40%
Bora-Care Wood Treatment EPA Reg. No. 64405-1
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Size: 1 gallon container 4/caseBora-Care Wood Treatment Insecticide Class: Inorganic
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Category: Concentrates
Bora-Care Wood Treatment Manufacturer: Nisis Corporation
Not Approved For Use In: New York
Not For Sale In: New York